Drawing Blood TrainingNorthern Virginia Phlebotomy  provide a variety of comprehensive phlebotomy training courses helping individuals become trained in Phlebotomy and Healthcare. We work with healthcare professionals, research facilities, private and public healthcare organizations.

Why Take Phlebotomy Training?

Phlebotomy training prepares you to work with patients in various settings such as labs, blood banks and hospitals. Phlebotomy is more than just drawing blood. Phlebotomy courses teach collection techniques, help you understand lab procedures in order to avoid contamination, prepare you for emergencies and teach you all essential techniques and procedures you’ll need to be a competent phlebotomist.

At Northern Virginia Phlebotomy you can take a basic course even if you have little or no experience in drawing blood. The program is taught by certified instructors with over 30 years of combined phlebotomy experience.

Students must meet the following requirements for enrollment into the program:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age upon completion of the program
  • Must have a high school diploma or GED for Admissions to the program
  • Vaccination must be in compliance with the centers for disease control guidelines
  • Liability insurance for all students is required for participation in clinical rotations
  • Physical (within one year) by a physician to ensure students and patient safety
Northern Virginia Phlebotomy School
Northern Virginia Phlebotomy School